Inspiration in Sport – Spirit to Life!

Wheelchair Rugby is an exciting and emotionally captivating game that enables catastrophically injured soldiers to participate in a team sport promoting physical and mental recovery from terrible injuries. Competitive wheelchair Rugby is growing in popularity among those who have mobility restrictions or have lost the ability to walk.

Wheelchair Rugby is included in Invictus Games, Warrior Games, USA Airforce Trials and Ігри Нескорених drawing teams from around the world to join in competition and fellowship. Players compete in adaptive specialized wheelchairs allowing them to move quickly across the field. The rules of the game are similar to traditional rugby, but with modifications to accommodate physical limitations using wheelchairs specifically designed for this sport.

The theme of the project is “Inspiration in Sport – Spirit to Life” and goal is to acquire ten wheelchairs for injured Ukrainian veterans to compete in these games. There is a long way to go to achieve the goal, however it is encouraging to see this initiative gaining momentum and moving forward. Technical wheelchair specifications have been established, a contract with the wheelchair manufacturer Vesco has been signed, and funding for the project, planned for one year, has begun.

Every contribution, large or small, will be appreciated. Please make your donation today and become part of this important mission! Your generosity will help us make a real impact on the lives of these brave warriors, giving them mobility and independence.